How it Works…

Feeling overwhelmed by the concept of swapping rather than buying your childrens’ clothes brand new? No worries! We’re here to explain.

Swapc’s makes it super-simple to buy and sell children’s clothes, whether your child has outgrown their old ones or you just want to revamp their wardrobe for the new season. In just four easy steps, you can switch with other sellers and totally replace your kids’ wardrobes with minimal impact on the environment. Smart, huh?

How it works...

Sign up

Sign up for a community membership, which is totally free.  When you join us you’ll also get access to a whole host of benefits, including tips to save the planet, how to extend the use of your kids’ clothes, and a donation input to our charity partner of the year!

List your clothes

As a SwapC’s member you can list your children’s preloved and outgrown clothes for sale. Just upload the details, a description of the condition and the best pictures you possibly can (we recommend at least three!) and hit list. Let’s start a revolution!

Get coins

Build up your wallet by rehoming your listed items. SwapC’s coins will be transferred instantly to your wallet once a community member completes their cart. 

Short on coins? You can buy a bundle of 5 coins which can also be used for postage. 

Shop for more

Use the coins you have earned to shop for other SwapC’s member’s preloved clothes. Browse by category, gender, cost, colour, or even seller, and start shopping. 

Join us for a fully circular shopping experience. 


Join us for FREE today!