"Something has to give"

A very warm welcome to you all!  

My name is Steph, and the Founder of SwapC’s – I’m a mum of a 9-year-old daughter, and 7-year-old son who would love to see a more environmentally friendly world in their futures. 

During the height of the pandemic, when we were only allowed to go outside for our hourly walks, I noticed something I had never seen like that before… Clothes, heaps and heaps of all sorts of clothes overflowing in bins, strewn all over the ground and dumped in parks.

This got me researching. I was shocked to discover the true scale of textile pollution! Over 350,000 tonnes of textile waste ends up in landfills, every year, in the UK alone; Fast fashion contributes as much as 10% of all carbon emissions, and the amount of water and energy expended to make a single cotton T shirt is the equivalent of hydrating 1 person for 900 days! Not to mention the land degradation needed to grow the cotton… 

All that kept going through my head was: Something has to give.

As a mum, I feel it is unacceptable for our environment and natural world to suffer for the sake of a T-shirt!

Considering how quickly children grow, the length of time and use they will get from their clothing pales into insignificance when compared to the amount of resources and energy spent making those garments. 

SwapC’s came to me as a way to ensure these clothes got their full mileage. We can protect our environment, but also reduce overall consumption by paying it forward and contributing to a circular economy.

I decided to build a community-based platform of like minded people, all striving for a zero-waste world. I want all of us to share and communicate ideas, and to pass on the benefits to the next generation.

I hope I can inspire you all to start making those imperfect (no one is perfect!) small changes needed to leave behind a planet for our children that hasn’t been ravished by our throwaway culture. 


Join me at SwapC’s – We’ve got this.

Steph x 


Contact SwapC’s

To learn more about the effects fast fashion industry, sign up to our newsletter – we’re also sharing hints and tips on how to make those mini changes at https://swapcs.co.uk/

Or follow us on our socials. 

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