'Tis the season to be jolly!

Here’s to 2023!

This Christmas will be a difficult, but bittersweet one for me and my family. I lost my father this time last year and this will be the first year where we will all sit together as a family and celebrate his life rather than mourn our loss.

My dad was the biggest fan of my passion for the environment; therefore, I am very grateful he was around to see me turn that passion into something that can really make a difference!

Sharing is Caring! 

Christmas is a time for giving and spending a restful time with family, and I hope you have managed to find the time and the space to do so.

This holiday season let’s infuse warmth and cheer into our traditions with sustainable stocking fillers that go beyond the ordinary. It’s time to shift our focus from disposable trinkets to thoughtful, eco-friendly surprises that bring joy without compromising the planet. Consider the following ideas for your stockings this year.

  • Handmade accessories
  • Upcycled items.
  • Locally sourced bites to eat.
  • Local craft fair gifts

Have you made your New Year’s resolutions yet? How about making one of them a green resolution! Here are a few ideas that you could consider;

  • Swap fabric conditioner for 25ml of distilled vinegar, it will soften your water, remove any odours, and is completely natural and safe for our waterways and the wildlife in them.
  • Host a kid’s clothes swap party as one of your birthday parties, check out our blog HERE for how to!
  • Swap plastic cotton buds with bamboo ones, or if your budget allows, why not try a reusable silicone one. HERE is the one that is currently in my home.
  • Choose wrapping paper that does not include plastic or glitter, they are almost impossible to recycle. Better yet, try Christmas printed fabric, mine are still going 5 years strong!

If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a tent with a mosquito. 

Don’t forget to celebrate every swap! As a community, together we can be the catalyst to kick-start a change for a better environment for future generations to come!

I wish you a very Merry Christmas and the happiest New Year.

Steph X